Long-Term Effects of a Traumatic Brain Injury
Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBIs) can significantly impact an individual on a physical, mental, or psychological level. According to the CDC, more than 220,000 people were hospitalized in 2019, and more than 64,000 deaths were due to TBI in 2020.
In some cases, there are no physical or noticeable symptoms of TBI. People suffering from TBI might also find it challenging to carry out their work efficiently, making them turn toward low-paying jobs.
So, if you or your loved ones have incurred high medical costs or lost wages due to TBI, you can get compensation by filing a personal injury claim. Let’s go over the long-term effects of the TBI that victims can face and understand what a traumatic brain injury is.
What is Traumatic Brain Injury?
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) refers to a sudden or physical strike that causes damage to the brain. According to the CDC, people above 75 years of age have the highest hospitalization and deaths due to traumatic brain injuries. They make up more than 28% of hospitalizations and 32% of deaths.
TBI refers to a wide range of injuries to the brain, leading to various problems. The severity of the TBI can vary depending on the type of injury. It can lead to issues such as a concussion, coma, or death. The affects of TBI can be long-lasting and can lead to life-changing injuries.
Severe TBI can lead to physical damage or emotional disability which could prohibit people from carrying out essential work. Even patients who recover from TBI might have to deal with some symptoms for the rest of their lives.
Short-term Effects of TBI
Milder TBI injuries, such as concussions, can make it difficult for victims to carry out their daily tasks. Victims can suffer from changes in vision, migraines, and other issues that make concentrating difficult. The road to recovery is shorter for milder TBI and can take around a month or three for individuals to recover.
Most people can suffer from mild or severe headaches from time to time or can find it difficult to concentrate. Mental fatigue and balance disruption are also some short-term effects that traumatic brain injury victims can suffer from.
Usually, after a concussion, victims might talk about one topic, lose their train of thought, and not complete their sentence. They might also find it difficult to remember or think and wouldn’t recognize some things.
Long-Term Effects of TBIs
Traumatic brain injuries can result in life-changing complications that might show up after six months. The following are some complications that are common among adults after TBI:
- Balance problems
- Cognitive deficits
- Depression
- Fatigue and Paralysis
- Headaches and Dizziness
- Memory loss
- Mood swings
- Parkinson’s disease
- Progressive dementia
- Reduced language skills
- Seizures and Psychosis
- Visual changes
Besides these changes, victims can also suffer noise, light sensitivity, and other long-term effects. Adults suffering from TBIs might also be struggling with depression, leading to social isolation. The stress, anxiety, and social isolation can provoke suicidal thoughts.
Find a Personal Injury Law Firm for Your TBI
Victims of a TBI are eligible for compensation for their damages and can file a personal injury claim. Dealing with legal technicalities can be challenging if you are recovering from your injuries. Therefore, hiring a reputable personal injury firm to handle your case can help you get the compensation you deserve.