Who Is Liable for a Truck Accident in Tennessee?

Posted on May 24, 2024 in
Truck accidents are growing in number. It could be because so many more vehicles traveling throughout our communities have increased the risk of being in an accident with a truck. For those facing these types of risks, it is critical to have an attorney available to help you determine who is liable. Liability in...
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May Is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month: Tips for Safer Riding in Tennessee

Posted on May 9, 2024 in
Every day on the road, you should be aware of motorcycles sharing the highways, byways, and residential streets. May is Motorcycle Awareness Month, so it is worth looking at what everyone can do to keep all drivers safe on the roadways. A Mount Juliet motorcycle accident lawyer from The Law Offices of Christopher Eads, PLLC,...
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Why You Should Hire a Lawyer to Draft Your Contract

Posted on April 26, 2024 in
Hiring a lawyer isn't always the cheap option up front. Regarding contracts, you might think a template you find online is adequate and choose to save the money for something else. However, this can cost you way more money later on, making you wish you had secured an experienced Mount Juliet contract law lawyer from...
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What Are the Most Common Product Defects?

Posted on April 13, 2024 in
One of the benefits of our society is the presence of governing bodies that help protect us by regulating how products are marketed or sold. This allows us to go about our days without worrying about whether a product we purchase is safe. However, despite best efforts, some parts of the process sometimes make...
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What Are the Benefits of Hiring a Wrongful Death Attorney?

Posted on March 18, 2024 in
The family members of a person who dies at the hands of another person's actions or inactions may be able to pursue a wrongful death claim against the at-fault party. This may allow you to pursue compensation for the losses your family member suffered and may help dependents recover some of their losses. It...
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