Case Results
We obtained a settlement for a client who was subject to sexual harassment by her supervisor at a large corporation. The settlement was obtained at mediation prior to filing a lawsuit.
Obtained a $775,000.00 settlement for a client who sustained injuries after being rear ended by a dump truck. The case settled without having to file a lawsuit.
We were able to secure a large settlement for a client who sustained a knee injury at work. The insurance company made an initial settlement offer of $52,805.52 and even hired their own doctor to try and minimize the injury to save money. After two months of being in litigation, the insurance company gave up and paid the amount we told them we would accept.
We were able to obtain a policy limits settlement for a client that sustained two cracked ribs and a torn rotator cuff after being t-boned by a car that failed to observe a stop sign. The insurance company settled prior to suit being filed as there was evidence of the at-fault driver having an open container of alcohol in the car at the time of impact.
We were able to obtain a 6-figure settlement for a client that sustained a work place injury that required neck surgery. The settlement also included lifetime future medical benefits for the client that now allow treatment for the remainder of the client’s life for any issue relating to the original work place injury. The insurance company’s initial offer was $41,079.33.
The client was rear-ended while waiting to turn into his neighborhood. The insurance company offered the policy limits as soon as we were able to provide all the medical records and bills to the adjuster for the insurance company.
Was sexually harassed by her boss on numerous occasions and did not stop after the conduct was reported to HR. After reporting the harassment, the client’s boss took away job responsibilities and made up a workplace violation that was unlawful retaliatory conduct towards the client.